Special thanks to the government of Japan for providing this amazing experience through the Japan Fulbright Memorial Fund.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Day 1 (kind of)

Well, it's been an awfully long three days now! I started traveling early Sunday morning and with only one night's sleep I will be waking up and tomorrow is already Wednesday! Don't know how that happened, ok, well, I do - there was one REALLY long flight somewhere in between.

The flight was 10 1/2 hours, but we all survived! Orientation the day before and a beautiful reception at the Consulate General's house in San Francisco allowed us to get to know some really nice people.

I did have my first official sushi dinner here in Tokyo. Some students from Keio University volunteered to take us out so they could practice their english and we could bombard them with questions! They were very sweet and spoke very well, too!

Tomorrow starts the touring and the theatre and the kabuki demonstrations, so I must hit the bed now. Finally!
But I can't wait to post more. The people have been sooo nice, and it's very well organized. This must be what it's like to have an entourage that takes care of things for you! It's awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your first day seems bad. it seems as if you think your in one state of mind but then the next thing you know your in a totally new life style were everyything is diffrent